Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Should animal tattoos be allowed? Read the article!

ALBANY, New York – A New York state lawmaker is co-sponsoring a bill that would outlaw tattoos for animals.

Sen. Mark Grisanti told Buffalo television station WIVB that tattooing pets is animal cruelty.

“I believe that if given the choice, animals would decline to having themselves undergo a painful procedure of being either tattooed or pierced,” Grisanti told the television station. “On a number of different levels, this practice is a selfish act by a pet owner.

“No matter how you look at it, this is animal cruelty and we must do what we can to protect our dogs, cats and other pets from being put through that type of discomfort.”

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recommends on its website that pets be microchipped or tattooed for identification purposes as a precaution against theft. PETA issued a statement last month, however, opposing cosmetic tattoos on animals.

So what do you think about tattooing pets? Too painful to inflict on animals or too cool to pass up? Should animal tattoos be allowed?

Source: http://blog.al.com/wire/2014/04/is_it_ok_to_put_tattoos_on_you.html

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